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Pathways to Hope is a FREE conference bringing together mental health professionals, social workers, educators, the judicial system, law enforcement, faith community leaders, caregivers, and individuals living with a diagnosis to help improve the mental health care system.


Reduce the stigma of mental illness

Activate and engage faith communities to help support families and individuals
living with a mental health disorder

Bring faith community leaders and mental health practitioners together to
provide better community-wide support 

Provide information on resources for community members

Promote community inclusion

Who Should Attend?

  • People living with a mental health condition

  • Family members and people providing support

  • Faith communities, lay leaders, clergy, and staff

  • Healthcare professionals

  • Social agencies and chaplaincy

  • Students in the social work, nursing or healthcare industries

  • Community foundations

  • Supportive employment and housing agencies

  • Criminal justice and legal professionals

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Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, or does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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Copyright Pathways to Hope 2016.  NAMI San Antonio. All rights reserved.  PRIVACY POLICY

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