2nd Annual Pathways to Hope Conference
1400 attendees - 42 presenters, 7 national key presenters
250 youth
Key attendee feedback
97% reported the conference as Excellent
80% likely to participate in other activities including:
training, support groups, mental health services and care/treatment
Community Support
15 Conference Sponsors and Donors
7 National Key Speakers
27 Local Presenters
27 Community Services Exhibitors
12 Interfaith Lead Advisors
Connections & Collaborations
Self reported on evaluations they would like follow up on:
44 % Connect to Support Groups
44% would like to attend Mental Health 101 Workshops
41% need additional connection to social services
36% would like to know more about NAMI Classes
32% would like more information on children & adolescent mental health
31% would like more information on school district mental health programs
27% would like to begin a mental health ministry
Community Connections
We need your community support to help families and community. Pathways to Hope
is a community led initiative that fosters collaboration. Help us answer the needs
of our community families.
Pathways To Hope 2017 Conference Highlights

