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11:25 am
“Compassion in Action: A Guide for Faith Communities Serving People Experiencing Mental Illness and their Caregivers”
Ben O’Dell, Program Specialist, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Partnership Center
AUG 22nd
1:00 pm
"Speaking to Faith and Mental Health"
Dr. Farha Abbasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry at Michigan State University and Director, Institute for Muslim Mental Health and Dr. Matt Stanford, CEO, Hope and Healing Center
2:35 pm
“Ecumenical and Interfaith”
Right Reverend Dr. Trevor Alexander, Protestant Chaplain and Adjunct Faculty, University of the Incarnate Word, University Mission & Ministry
12:40 pm
"The. Next. Steps. A Working Session to Expand Mental Health and Wellness via Collaboration, Partnerships and Networked Services between the Faith Community, Government Agencies, Non-Profit Organizations and Community Groups across San Antonio and Bexar County"
Rev. Ann Helmke, Director of Faith-based Initiatives, Department of Human Services, City of San Antonio (COSA); Doug Beach, Chair, Mental Health Action Group/COSA Faith-based Initiative; Olga Rodriguez, Regional Health Coordinator, CRW & Associates, LLC and Gilbert Gonzales, Director, Bexary County Department of Health
Recommended Prerequisite: Overall conference participation, especially Plenary 3, “Bridges to Care…” at 11:00 am