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AUG 21st
11:25 am
"Ask the Docs"
Dr. Melissa Deuter, Psychiatrist, Sigma Urgent Care and Dr. Dan Morehead, Psychiatrist and Neuropsychiatrist, Tufts Medical Center Department of Psychiatry and at his Private Practice
1:00 pm
“Finding Help in the Middle of Crisis”
Honorable Yolanda Huff, Bexar County Court #12 and Michelle Ellison-Nobles, Mental Health Court Advocate
2:35 pm
“Navigating a Mental Health Crisis: Issues Around HIPPA, Hospitalization, Incarceration, and Finding Care”
John Petrila, JD, Senior Vice President of Policy, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute; Gilbert Gonzales, Director, Bexar County Department of Behavioral Health, Mike Lozito, Director of Judicial Services, Bexar County and Luis Santos, LCSW, Manager, Behavioral Health Care Coordination, University Health System
AUG 22nd
12:40 pm
“Trauma Informed Care Training and Certification”
Mary Beth Fisk, CEO, The Ecumenical Center for Education, Counseling and Health and Kathy Fletcher, President/CEO, Voices for Children of San Antonio